Client Region of Durham
Location Durham, ON
Timeline April 2017 – June 2018
Project Overview
SSG is completing an energy and emissions plan for the Region of Durham and its six constituent municipalities, which involves the development of technological and land-use scenarios. A specific population and land-use model was developed to create possible land-use scenarios to 2050. Detailed business-as-usual and alternative land-use projections were developed year-over-year until 2050, portioning out future growth by zone, building type and employment category. The technological scenarios will explore a range of energy and emissions policies and actions and be coupled with the land-use scenario to evaluate the impact of land-use policy on GHG emissions reductions and financial impacts. A detailed financial and co-benefits analysis will be completed, alongside a scenarios prioritization process to identify the preferred scenario, and an implementation and monitoring plan to guide implementation.
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SSG’s work is carried out on unceded and unsurrendered Indigenous territories, ranging from the traditional lands of the Michif Piyii in the North to the Huilliche in the South; from Hul'qumi'num Peoples in the West to the Mi'kma’qi in the East.
SSG recognizes that land acknowledgements alone are insufficient. We are committed to educating ourselves about the lands we are on and ensuring that our work contributes to healing and decolonization.
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