Community Planning and Health Planning
Our knowledge and work with communities informs decisions on policy, programming, land-use and urban design, with an aim towards improved sustainability, quality of life and health outcomes for citizens and ecosystems.
Community Engagement
Our approach is to “meet people where they’re at”. Through community dialogue, quality on-line participation, having a presence at community events and advertising creatively, we engage and empower a broad spectrum of society – not just the usual suspects.
Energy and Emissions Modelling and Planning
Modelling the possibilities helps us make informed decisions. Our sophisticated, open-source modelling produces scenario options for achieving sustainable community futures, whether they’re climate, economic or land-use related.
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Modelling and Planning
Almost everything we do has a climate change focus. We work with communities to make policy, programming, land-use and urban design decisions, with an aim to improve sustainability, quality of life and health outcomes for citizens and ecosystems.
Agricultural Planning
We work with farmers and local governments to understand and improve the agricultural landscape. Food security, urban gardening, value-added products, natural hazard response, import/export challenges, local markets – we consider all factors in making agricultural efforts work for farmers and their communities.
Neighbourhood Planning and Design
With a focus on rejuvenation, interaction and ecosystems, our work focuses on rehabilitating derelict sites, designing neighbourhoods for everyone, and integrating nature in our experiences of a place. Technical and personable thinking get us to neighbourhoods people never want to leave.
Green Building and LEED
We pioneered LEED in Canada with a series of green building firsts and we wrote the Facilitation Guide for Integrated Design Practitioners. We know a holistic approach to building design and construction that considers costs, users, site and neighbourhood results in beautiful, comfortable, sustainable buildings.
Campus and Education Sustainability
We work with all campus levels, from governance to operations to student experience. Audits, energy and emissions modelling, land-use assessment, building energy assessments, indicator development and campus engagement are all part of our campus sustainability toolkit.
Who we work with
Towns and Cities
We work with municipalities on next-level engagement and community sustainability policies and projects.
Developers and designers
We work on leading sustainable building projects, from the Vancouver Convention Centre to Sorella Women’s Housing. We know sustainable buildings are efficient, healthy, comfortable and affordably built.
Health Authorities
Our models and visualizations illustrate the impacts of land-use options on public health outcomes, giving decision-makers critical information in guiding the future of their communities.
International organizations
Our work with global partners such as the International Energy Agency ensures we are at the forefront of global practice.
Higher Education and School Boards
Supporting change across generations is the essence of our work with universities and school boards.
We run a series of cultural events to bring the climate change conversations to a different audience. Follow our Pathway to Paris campaign.