Town of Caledon Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation Action Plan
Client Town of Caledon
Location Caledon, Ontario, Canada
Schedule March 2019 – April 2020
Caledon is a rural Town of approximately 70,000 residents located in the Greater Toronto Area. The Town covers 700 square kilometres and consists of a combination of hamlets and village centres, nested amongst prime agricultural and protected natural heritage lands. Projecting a doubling of its population by 2050, the Town was looking to update its Community Climate Change Action Plan. The update required new and revised mitigation actions, as well as new considerations for adaptation and resilience. The Town is also undertaking an update of its Official Plan, for which SSG is conducting a policy scan and discussion paper identifying opportunities to integrate the outcomes of the Action Plan and climate change policies.
In partnership with whatIf? technologies, SSG used CityInsight to model energy and emissions for the Town, conducted best practice scans for adaptation and mitigation actions, and led engagement workshops to solicit feedback from community members and other local stakeholders.
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SSG’s work is carried out on unceded and unsurrendered Indigenous territories, ranging from the traditional lands of the Michif Piyii in the North to the Huilliche in the South; from Hul'qumi'num Peoples in the West to the Mi'kma’qi in the East.
SSG recognizes that land acknowledgements alone are insufficient. We are committed to educating ourselves about the lands we are on and ensuring that our work contributes to healing and decolonization.
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