Whitby Climate Change Master Plan – Adaptation
Client Town of Whitby
Client type Municipality
Location Whitby, Ontario, Canada
Population (2021) 138,501
Tools used CityInSight Adaptation
The Town of Whitby is a part of the Greater Toronto Area in the south of Ontario. While the southern portion of Whitby is predominantly urban, the northern part is more rural.
Project Overview:
The Town is developing a Climate Change Master Plan in two phases, the first of which is the Climate Change Adaptation Plan. SSG worked with Whitby to assess its risks and vulnerabilities to climate change, which includes economic, social, and environmental hazards.
What makes this project particularly unique is the model being used to assess climate risks and vulnerabilities, the first of its kind in Canada. The model can quantitatively assess the financial impacts of climate risks and the associated value of adaptive actions, which gives the Town a higher level of precision when it comes to the financial costs and benefits of climate adaptation actions and policies.
This was the first project where SSG deployed CityInSight Adaptation, which required additional work in aligning the new methodology with the local data context.
Thanks to the forward-thinking staff at the Town, SSG was able to deploy this first-of-its-kind model and prepare an Adaptation Plan that will enable Whitby to make its Town more resilient to climate risks and vulnerabilities, from now until 2050.
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SSG’s work is carried out on unceded and unsurrendered Indigenous territories, ranging from the traditional lands of the Michif Piyii in the North to the Huilliche in the South; from Hul'qumi'num Peoples in the West to the Mi'kma’qi in the East.
SSG recognizes that land acknowledgements alone are insufficient. We are committed to educating ourselves about the lands we are on and ensuring that our work contributes to healing and decolonization.
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