
How do you convince your CFO or the City Council that your triple bottom line proposal will benefit the environment, society and the economy?

Key financial tools in sustainable community development and how to use them How do you convince your Chief Financial Officer or the City Council that your triple bottom line proposal will benefit the environment, society and the economy? Mark Pezarro shares several tools and techniques to make a persuasive argument for sustainability in financial terms. This webinar focuses […]

Plan 4DE Webinar: Planning and District Energy with GGLO 1st February

In this webinar, GGLO share a perspective from planning and tell the story of developing visualisations for Plan4DE, including the lessons learnt, their observations and take you through the method and results in a fairly transparent way. You can watch the webinar again here if you missed it and enjoy the discussion afterwards. If you […]

Sunnier days: Update from Paris

It is sunny today in Paris and the hallways are buzzing with optimism. A draft text has been passed from the negotiators to the ministers and the text still includes many of the key aspects necessary for a meaningful agreement. Many challenges remain however, and ministers are working on issues such as loss and damage […]

Pathway to Paris #13: Concert lineup announced in advance of COP21 talks

In this Issue #13 Government of Quebec ups the ante Green / climate bonds on the rise What is the economic benefit of a low carbon society? The impact of climate on the birds Featured visual: Electric Generation in Spain over last 24 hours Why we can’t think clearly about climate change Pathway to Paris […]

SSG Newswire June 2015: How does our work at the provincial level affect the bigger picture?

A monthly newsletter on news and inspiration at the nexus of sustainability [Recently completed] Future Oxford: our plan is endorsed by Council “Community’s vision for its future emphasizes education and creativity, a growing sustainable economy, and environmental leadership”. A year and a day after the Community Sustainability Plan Steering Committee was announced, the final draft […]

SSG Newswire May 2015

Sustainability Solutions Group NEWSWIRE May 2015 A monthly newsletter on news and inspiration at the nexus of sustainability To subscribe, please follow this link [Recently completed] North Cowichan Watershed Atlas We have been working with Bonsall Creek, North Cowichan on their vision for how they see water use, including ground and surface water, in the […]

Halton Hills Council Approves our Local Action Plan

Last year, we started a project in collaboration with Indeco to work with Halton Hills on their local action plan. SSG managed and wrote the Community Energy Plan, Indeco the Corporate Energy Plan. Using GHGProof, we examined community wide energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, particularly from transportation and land use. Here is the recent […]

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