SSG hires new Finance Director Colin MacDougall
We are very happy to announce that Colin MacDougall will be SSG’s new Director of Finance.
Colin has worked most recently for the Agency for Co-operative Housing overseeing the Corporate Services Division and previously at La Siembra Co-operative as Director of Finance (source of Cocoa Camino chocolate, and like SSG, a workers co-operative). Based in Ottawa, Colin is bilingual in English and French. Colin has an MBA from McGill and a Bachelors of International Business from Carleton.
“I am absolutely thrilled to join the SSG team,” says Colin. “The work that they do is inspiring and simply vital given the challenges our natural world is facing. The fact that SSG has organized as a worker co-operative really speaks to me as well. I believe that democratically run organizations are the wave of the future. I am looking forward to helping SSG grow and spread their passion and expertise further and wider.”
Colin takes the reigns from Berta Gaulke, who has managed SSG’s finances for nearly five years, where she leaves a legacy of organized and improved financial management systems. We are very thankful for all of her work and wish her well in her retirement!