Cypress Village Sustainable Neighbourhood Planning & Design
Client British Pacific Properties Ltd.
Location Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Schedule November 2016 – December 2018
SSG worked with British Properties Ltd. to incorporate sustainable neighbourhood development considerations throughout the planning phases of the Cypress Village development in North Vancouver. The project included: a precedent review, investigating the best of local sustainable development examples to use as baseline sustainable development design considerations; sustainable neighbourhood design alternatives, assessing the sustainability challenges of the site and the development, and finding the best fit for a variety of sustainability considerations (eg: stormwater design, ecosystem integration, urban agriculture, neighbourhood connectivity, walkability, vehicle treatment, energy systems, waste systems, etc.); sustainable development standards, assessing the proposed development against LEED-ND, EcoDistricts and One Planet Living rating systems; healthy built environment, assessing the alternative design options against residents’ health outcomes; and district energy viability, high-level modelling of the development for its amenability to district energy systems.
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SSG’s work is carried out on unceded and unsurrendered Indigenous territories, ranging from the traditional lands of the Michif Piyii in the North to the Huilliche in the South; from Hul'qumi'num Peoples in the West to the Mi'kma’qi in the East.
SSG recognizes that land acknowledgements alone are insufficient. We are committed to educating ourselves about the lands we are on and ensuring that our work contributes to healing and decolonization.
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