Plan 4DE webinar II: more detail on SSG’s district energy model for urban planning
Ea Energy Analyses provide expertise in energy modelling and district energy for the Plan 4DE project, a cutting-edge tool for planners, modellers and decision-makers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption by optimizing urban form for district energy. In this webinar, they will share the approach they took, the main elements of the model and considerations that are made and then explain the application of the model; the inputs and conditions it requires.
Here is the recording of the session and their presentation
Jesper Werling (MSc, Energy Technology) is a partner with EA Energy Analyses with expertise in energy system analyses, planning of integrated energy systems, mathematical modelling of energy systems and district and individual heating production and distribution. Jesper’s experience includes a scenarios analysis of district heating for the future Danish energy system, a heat plan for Greater Copenhagen and an energy supply analysis for Copenhagen.
János Hethey (MSc Engineering, Energy) is an expert in the analysis of energy systems, the development and application of energy system models and planning in the district heating sector. He has worked on a variety of projects related to district energy including an analysis of the role of district heating in the future Danish energy system using a scenarios analysis development of a computer tool for economic evaluation of different district heating energy plants, the Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2012 for the IEA and Nordic Energy Research and the Blueprint for an energy strategy for Gladsaxe Municipality.
Ea Energy Analyses is a Danish consulting company specialising in energy systems analysis, energy planning, energy related R&D, demonstration of new technologies and international project management in the field of energy. They offer specialist skills in renewable energy and system analyses of the electricity, heat and gas sectors. They are based in Denmark and operate in the Nordic region and abroad with project activities in Europe, North America, Asia and Africa.