Join SSG at the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco
This year’s Global Climate Action Summit is taking stock and charting the next steps for global climate action by bringing together governments, students, citizens, entrepreneurs and change makers together in San Francisco. The summit will be held from September 12-14, 2018. The event – which includes a main plenary and hundreds of affiliated side performances, workshops, tours and talks – is intended to highlight ongoing action in mitigation and adapting to climate change, and to connect global actors on the next course of action. A series of ‘challenges’ are being proposed to encourage healthy energy systems, healthy cities, inclusive growth, land and ocean stewardship and financial investments in climate action. These challenges will help declare ongoing commitment and a new wave of ambition in creating a prosperous and sustainable future.
As a part of the Global Climate Action Summit, Sustainability Solutions Group is holding a one-day symposium on modelling energy and emissions in cities. The event will focus on pathways for low carbon cities, highlighting what has been done and what is possible in modelling low carbon pathways.
To do this, we will be hearing the specifics from city officials and modellers:
- What exactly have cities achieved? What was included in their respective energy and emissions models?
- What have been effective areas of action for emissions reductions? What policies have been implemented in cities? What were the outcomes and the lessons learned?
- How have modellers tackled uncertainties in modelling city emissions pathways? What innovative tools have helped cities understand the best policies to effectively reduce emissions at low cost?
- What are the next steps of energy modellers, and how will this transform sustainable cities?
We know that sharing these insights, barriers and steps forward can help build a better network of support in visioning our cities in a sustainable future. Hearing directly from city officials on their experience can help shape the outcomes for other municipalities in their path towards decarbonization. Listening to modellers and analysts can help build better tools to enable cities in their decision making.
We hope you can join us for this discussion by presenting or attending the symposium. Follow these links to submit a proposal to present or register to attend as a participant.
The Symposium will be held September 13 from 9 am to 4:30pm at the Women’s Building (3543 18th St, #8, Mission District, San Francisco). If you cannot attend, stay tuned to our newsletter, as we will be keeping updates and summaries as the Global Climate Action Summit approaches.
We look forward to seeing you there!