Halton Hills Adopts Most Ambitious Climate Action Strategy in Canada
Ontario town aims for carbon neutrality by 2030. Here’s how they’ll do it.
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But we are proud to say that Kyra Bell-Pasht contributed 2 entries already.
Ontario town aims for carbon neutrality by 2030. Here’s how they’ll do it.
Developed in Oslo in 2016, the carbon budget (a.k.a climate budget) responds to the climate crisis in a manner similar to a city budget—by setting an overall budget for how much greenhouse gas the city can emit. Ever. It is a critical tool for bold climate action.
SSG’s work is carried out on unceded and unsurrendered Indigenous territories, ranging from the traditional lands of the Michif Piyii in the North to the Huilliche in the South; from Hul'qumi'num Peoples in the West to the Mi'kma’qi in the East.
SSG recognizes that land acknowledgements alone are insufficient. We are committed to educating ourselves about the lands we are on and ensuring that our work contributes to healing and decolonization.
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