Associate Webinar: Lindsay Telfer on strategies, tools and tips for meaningful community engagement
In our first in a series of Associate Webinars, Lindsay Telfer, Associate of SSG and National Project Director of the Canadian Freshwater Alliance will share an engagement methodology she has developed to broaden and deepen freshwater engagement across Canada.
When: 10th September 13:00 EST
Here is the inspiring presentation by Lindsay that she walked us through ‘Strategies, tools and tips for meaningful community engagement in British Columbia’
Here is the recording too for those who missed the session, or need to recap on all the information she shared with us!
Lindsay Telfer, Associate of SSG and National Project Director of the Canadian Freshwater Alliance will share an engagement methodology she has developed to broaden and deepen freshwater engagement across Canada. In describing the approach she will reference case studies of her recent work building engagement for the new Water Sustainability Act in British Columbia and driving collaborative engagement around solving Lake Erie’s toxic algae problems.
Lindsay uses an organizing methodology that builds a base of engaged support for change. Much of that approach is applicable for creating engaged communities for sustainability, whether it be community groups, municipalities and residents. Akin to “engagement organizing” the approach marries tried and test strategies in organizing with new technology tools to aid in broadening and deepening relationships with 100s or 1000s of supporters.
More info on the Canadian Freshwater Alliance:
The Freshwater Alliance is a national capacity building initiative that builds, connects and supports freshwater constituencies across Canada.
Twitter: @H2OAlliance / #ourhomewater
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